Notebook 2018 DIARY 手札


  • 手札設計|裝幀設計

2018手札本 2018 Planner
限量精裝發行 Limited Edition

靈活 而無受限的書寫篇幅
一橫一豎 記下每個值得紀錄的時刻
每個計畫 每個好點子 每一個無限的可能
不再留白 就像下定決心 要更懂得好好生活
新的一年 你的理想生活進行式 從此開始

Flexible and unlimited writing space

With every stroke, record every moment worth mentioning

Every project, every good idea, every infinite possibility

Leaving no blanks. Set your determination to learn to live to your potential.

This New Year, your ideal lifestyle starts here

Ever year you face the same problem. Once you buy the yearlong planner,

You start making plans for the whole year, full of joy and anticipation.

However, in your planner, full of printed fixed dates,

You forget to write, or maybe there’s nothing in particular that comes to mind.

Day after day pass by, page after page left blank, all left unused and unless

All that’s left is a sense of regret and waste.



130 days of design planning and printing

Words of blessings interwoven within certain pages.

Can be used any time, 365 days of the year, without being limited by the particular year or date.

Our hope is that every word written is free and unrestrained!

Can be laid completely flat on the table


□封面  Cover

□使用紙材|長瑩 Curious MATTER

Paper Material CNJ Curious MATTER

□印刷方式|網印 pantone801c、白墨

Printing method | Screen Printing Pantone801c, White Ink


Pages Shin Tien Li Charcoal Paper (Bamboo End)


Inner Page Dong Jiu Recycled Material

□裝訂方式|裸背線膠裝 / 裝訂線染色 / 網版印刷

Binding Method | Coptic Binding / Color-Dyed Stiches / Screen Printing